If you are actually posing that question in response to the title of this entry, then you must be Bob Costas. No, actually you are Bob Costas. Seriously, a bag of schillings to anybody who earnestly replied "Why?" when informed they had the inalienable right to ignore Bob Costas.
Without delving too far into this matter, I mean to suggest there are a few main points you, the loyal reader, can gleam. As a quick aside, I should mention that Bob Costas is the man who will more than likely be the emissary extraordinaire of the upcoming 2008 Summer Olympics. You may have seen him on NBC the last 15 years. He's pretty short, occasionally smiles. Yes, that is him you're picturing now. Consider this somewhat of a continuation from James' earlier Olympic themed post, substituting his research and fact finding ability for my terse and reasonably vapid opinions about the topic at hand.
Olympic ideas!
1. Bob Costas is a hack. Before you start with the Jay Leno mantra of, "Oh, he sure does try though!", consider that there are tons, literally pound after pound of hack flavored human beings out there that do try incredibly hard in their careers, despite inherent journalistic shortcomings such as ignorance, aloofness, and inability to really say anything truthful at all. Bill O'Reilly is one example that comes to mind. I suppose Marv Albert, John Tesh and that Asian lady from Big Brother could also be added to the list. I could write a dissertation on how Costas' failure to be either a person or a reporter have hurt sport over the years, but I can comfortably sum it up by stating that he is clueless, kind of cocky, and extremely confused about himself, people, the world, and well, sports.
2. The Olympics will disappoint you in at least one semi-important regard.
3. McDonald's and Coca-Cola make their long awaited push to control all advertising, crush the soul of anything good that comes out of the Olympics, and impose their not-so-dynamic and utterly homogeneous will upon the entire world, while simultaneously veiling it in a grandiose claim of "See, free trade
does work!".
4. Barack Obama will enter the 400 x 4 relay at the last second, substitute himself for the entire American team, and break 5 world records in one day. His sweat will inadvertently spell "yes we can" across the width of the track, and an iron sculpture of his teeth will be built in honor of the feat. The phrase, "The first black...", will be heard 731, 000 times during the next 4 hours of television.