Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why am I suddenly obsessed with Twitter? (Twitter beginners guide)

First question most newcomers say, "I don't get it. What do you do on twitter?"

My first response is: Twitter is NOT a social networking site. Twitter IS a hybrid combo of micro-blogging and social bookmarking.

You know how sometimes you'll IM a friend and say "check this crazy bitch out:" well this site is just a monstrous collection of these quickies. Users post one-liners with links. Certain users are very entertaining and some aren't. You "follow" the ones you dig(g) and the rest you ditch to the curb.

There are many different niches within Twitter. There are news sites that post "tweets" with late-breaking news ( Celebrity Twitter accounts such Shaq (, Ashton Kutcher ( and Britney Spears ( Friends who just post what they are doing at that time and place (BORING!). Blogs who post subject lines and links of new posts. Or speciality Twitter sites with links to the latest and greatest sneaker designs such as Soles 4 Algernon (

Ok... so what's my point? Go on Twitter, sign up, get hooked. And then you can check up on Ashton Kutcher every twenty minutes obsessively for no damn good reason. And make your life more full/pointless. I hate twitter.

I figure this would be a good time to announce the grand launch of banteranter's own twitter page. Follow us! tweet tweet

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