Clearly, my gripes post has to start with this:
Oh you're gay? That's a real shocker. I'm glad you, State Senator (for several more years, hopefully) kept the suspense at a premium level by claiming you were straight even after getting pulled over with a guy while drunk and leaving a gay nightclub. Believe me, Republicans everywhere had the oversize broom and rug ready, and frankly I think the media was cool with just perpetuating the notion that it was a one time drunken mistake.
So what do we have? Republican, adulterer, drunk driver, anti-gay politician. Not so great. I feel like I should ass something about his hubris, but all I know is that he's Catholic, and more than likely not a religious zealot. I feel like he should get some leniency for liking gay clubs so much that he didn't leave one until nearly 2am on a Wednesday morning. That's pretty solid. I feel like if you're trying to get away from your family, that's not the best time to do it, unless Ashburn goes to a hotel during the week when he has to be in Sacramento, in which case he's just a jerk.
I can't believe his wife didn't know this already, and probably called him out on it too. That doesn't really matter though. Additionally, I can't see having a DUI as being enough to make someone leave office, but I have a feeling after admitting to being gay, there's no place for him as a politician in the Republican Party. There are so many double standards about this sort of thing, and by thing I just mean crimes committed in office, let alone anything about being a gay man.
Of course, this cat is still in office.
If you're writing the headline to be displayed at top of the front page of a major website, and the topic is a strike/protest/riot in Greece, something which I assume is at least uncommon, why would you use the word "austerity"? Sometimes, I really do feel like the news media just doesn't want people to read stuff. I'm fairly certain that is one of the major gears that keeps all this crap churning nonstop. The only way a positive story will ever appear at the top of a major news website is if Saddam Hussein gets captured again, or the police find some blond chick who either ran off and lived with a giant turtle or was kidnapped by a Frenchman during her field trip to Hershey Park.
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