Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mommy I'm scared!

I'm not afraid of extremists. Extremists are, by definition, a very small part of the whole. They might occasionally stir the pot with a bombing or protest, but they don't make any significant differences. What do we do when the extremists become the norm? I get it, people are angry. We're all angry. The economy is in the shitter and there is no way it's going to change any time soon. I fail to see why this should add up to electing inexperienced, reactionary, naive, opportunistic people to some of our nation's highest offices. Today American citizens are going to elect people who preach about the importance of the Constitution but don't know the First Amendment. People who think the answer to our economic crisis is to stop paying teachers. People who would rather cut public services than scale back wars that spend ten times as much money. These are people too patient to let the president enact changes so they think the answer is to bring back policies of a president who they gave eight years to destroy any prosperity we had. Poor people are voting for people who only want to serve the rich. The top one percent doesn't need public schools or social security; the rest of the country does. People are seriously counting on padding the pockets of our wealthiest citizens in hopes that it will all trickle down. Yeah, because that wen't so well 25 years ago. It could trickle down, or it won't and the middle class will disappear. I hope I'm overreacting.

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