What is this new trend of wearing sunglasses on the train or, worse yet, in the f'ing dark? Every day I see about three to ten people, most of the them guys with buzz cuts wearing athletic pants- presumably year-round- rocking sunglasses in the gloomiest, snowiest of weather. Before you come at me arguing that snow is white and therefore reflects lots of sunlight, I have two things to say to you: first, have you been outside lately? It is fucking dim and depressing out there; second, the kind of guy who wears sunglasses because snow is bright is not the same guy who wears a jacket so flourescent he looks like he's about to audition for a Kanye West video that may or not be shooting in Tokyo. If that guy was so concerned with preparing for the elements he wouldn't have dressed like a jackass. And if he was trying to convey as much of his personality as possible, I think the pre-ripped jeans were more than enough to advertise that he was a douchebag.
I know this is making me come off as a whiney dork but that doesn't make me wrong. Sunglasses are the least applicable attire in a snowstorm. They decrease visibility in a situation where visibility is valued like dry land in Waterworld or Cindy Crawford in 1993. Self high five for two 90s references in the same sentence! Self high five yourself if you get the WCW reference in the previous sentence. If you don't know about wrestling, prepare to be confused.
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