Wednesday, October 8, 2008

You know you love lists!!! Or is it just for the free Mars bars?

Tom Brokaw could not be any more terrible. You would think it'd be tough for "objective journalists" (I really want to put quotes around each word) to be so smug and assured 8 years after acting like it was exciting that Florida was such a mess, to openly chuckle with John McCain during a debate, or generally be enough of an egomaniacal jackass to purport to still being able to assess where our nation is headed.


I hope the spirit of Tim Russert puts on a Bills helmet and rides Jack Kemp like a horse into the NBC studio, and I dunno, eats Brokaw or something. I had all these sandwich jokes lined up, which I now feel may be innapropriate.


Top 10 films of the 1990's:

(No genre division, no bias of any sort towards oscars or box office gross. 1990-1999 release)

As a note, I am only ranking movies I've seen. I haven't seen that many movies. Does that make this list irrelevant? No, just irreverant. I don't give a fuck about how "iconic" something is or if multiple films on my list have a common director or actor/actress, these aren't determining factors.

10. The Full Monty
9. Groundhog Day
8. Barton Fink
7. Election
6. Quiz Show
5. Seven
4. The Hudsucker Proxy
3. Glengarry Glen Ross
2. Festen
1. Magnolia

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