Friday, May 28, 2010

This is why we can't have nice things!

Hey you, gentleman driving the Isuzu with a red, white and blue "BUY AMERICAN" bumper sticker. You are the reason people think Americans are ignorant assholes. You know why? Because you are an ignorant asshole. I am flabbergasted that you were able to go through the entire process of getting from that purchase of yours to proudly affixing it to your vehicle without once thinking yourself, "Ya know, I should probably make sure I buy American myself before I make this declaration." Didn't you notice the big "Isuzu" logo right next to the bumper sticker?  Clearly the answer is no, most likely because you were so overwhelmed with your own patriotism..Do you even know why they tell us to buy domestically produced goods? Why don't you go look at the products in your house and see how many have "Made in China" written on the bottom. And don't worry about trading in your car for an American one. Our automobile industry is tip-top!


Anonymous said...

That's a particularly glaring example of cognitive dissonance, given that they don't even sell Izuzus in the US anymore. Fail of epic proportions.

Anonymous said...

They also don't sell Isuzus, incidentally. (I wonder if I'll ever not suck at spelling...)