Sunday, May 25, 2008


Joakim Noah was arrested in Gainesville, FL. Apparently, he was walking down a sidewalk with a open plastic cup (solo brand?), with an "amber drink" inside. They police also found some marijuana in his pocket, not aware how much.

I really hope people don't make a deal out of this. But sports media is ridiculous. If you have experienced the wide world of political punditry, from Bill O'Reilly to Tucker Carlson that creepy big guy who hosts Meet the Press, you can understand the pain of watching "experts" focus on the most inane topics for hours on end, following suit on whatever conventional opinion fits their standard modus operandi. Pardon the diatribe. While sports media as a whole in my opinion is much more insightful and articulate than that of politics, the over-dramatization of silly things can get a bit irritating, and not just because these people lack a sense of humor.

Joakim Noah wasn't even fuckin driving! How good is that? He was walking around with a cup of beer and a dime bag in his pocket. In his old college town. It wasn't even Jose Cuervo, for God's

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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