Monday, March 23, 2009

That Ain't Right

According to this story from CNN, South African officials have found a way to hold an international peace conference that explicitly excludes the Dalai Lama. Apparently, it's not in South Africa's best interests to grant the Dalai Lama a visa to attend the conference. I guess I see where they're going with this. I mean, he's only the most recognizable, beloved ambassador of peace and tolerance in the world today. I bet people won't even notice his absence with heavy hitters like Desmond Tutu around. What's that? Oh, it seems Desmond Tutu and F.W. De Klerk (former South African president) intend to boycott the event if the Dalai Lama is not allowed to attend. Well, there's always Charlize Theron!


Unknown said...

Haha. Sad. Unfortunately, the SA government is very concerned with not ruffling China's feathers. Trade trumps peace any day.

Anonymous said...

well, so much for that:

Betsy said...

BTW Did you see B.D. Tutu on Craig Ferguson?