Friday, March 20, 2009

Two Afternoon Quickies

1. As I was pulling into Walgreen's earlier, there was a pigeon on the road. The pigeon in question was either really stupid (even by bird standards), had a death wish, or possibly both. I seriously considered slamming on my brakes as I watched the front of my car slowly roll over the suicidal bird. What happened to flying away for fear of getting crushed by enormous moving objects? George Costanza put it best during his squirrel conflict: "We had a deal!" Relax, the pigeon was fine, but I did spot it later on hanging out in a turning lane. Let's hope he/she/it doesn't represent the whole pigeon population of L.A.

2. In the aforementioned Walgreen's, there was a great man who seemed to have misplaced his sense of shame. I was lucky enough to be a mere ten feet away as he approached a clerk and literally yelled, "Do you work here?... Where's the Preparation H!?" God bless you and your inflamed unmentionables, good sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how enough squirrels and pigeons survive long enough to reproduce and allow the species to continue in existence. Moments like these make me question what is really meant by "survival of the fittest." Fit for what exactly?