Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear God Make it Stop! (Update: Thanks God!)

Why is it that certain all TV channels insist on making commercials twice as loud as the program? You can't tell me Monday Night Football is quieter than this commercial for AARP life insurance. If the entertainment industry must jam advertising down my throat, I don't it's too much to ask for a little subtlety.

What about a shrill voice over is supposed to make me start thinking Bud Light is suddenly good? Loud commercials don't make me buy products, good commercials make me buy products. The only thing loud commercials achieve is putting my eardrums though anguish.

This gem came up when I searched "Anguish" on Google Images. Credit the artist at for his poor grasp of the English language, pencils, or possibly both.

That's as far as I got before this thrilling development came along. This landmark event proves that the government is finally doing something right. Is it really that far fetched to imagine national health care and the end of undeserved tax breaks for the very people who helped destroy the economy is just around the corner? Yes, yes it is. 

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