Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No Way! Way!

As is prone to happen with any four year old computer, my Macbook and I have been going through a bit of a rough patch in our otherwise smooth relationship. My charger decided it was time to start failing, which is kind of an emergency when your battery already dies after ~45 minutes. I bought a new charger from a third party and order was restored for two wonderful weeks. Then my charger started failing intermittently again. Lots of expert jiggling, fidgeting and finagling would make my computer retain the charge again... as long as I sat perfectly still. Yeah, not exactly a solution. So I conceded defeat and went to the Genius Bar prepared to part with money I don't even really have.

If you've never been to the Genius Bar, it's about as geeky as you expect it. They guy behind the counter knows everything about your Mac and he is less than thrilled to explain it to you, his hundredth customer of the day. So there I was, sauntering up all cool and confident in my scarf, acting like I had half a clue what was wrong with my computer. The dude took one look at my bootleg charger and gave me a look of disdain I thought was reserved for Obama Hitler (What's the difference, really?). He quickly grabs my charger and says, "I'll be back in five minutes." I sit there contemplating whether I can afford a new computer or if I can pretend to be off the grid while I save up that sweet, sweet dog walking money. Then he comes back and hands me a charger. "This isn't in inventory, so you can just take it." Excuse me? You're giving me something... for free? In 2010? At a huge chain store? Did they just fire you?

I would say it's karma, but I really don't do that much good for the world, unless you count not going on a killing spree as a good deed. I just got straight up lucky. I thought that was only something that happened in movies. What's next, am I gonna bond with the quirky girl over liking an indie band a million people listen to but we pretend only we know about? No, that's fucking stupid. Now, in honor of the title of this post...

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