Friday, July 25, 2008


That's how my stomach feels after no solid for four and a half days. The good things is that's the only part of my body that seems to be struggling from this wacky diet. I seem to have lost a little bit of weight and I've proven to myself that I do indeed have some semblance of will power remaining. That being said, I think I've done enough damage to myself and it's time to eat some sweet, sweet... ANYTHING! It's friday which means free pizza at work is imminent and it's going to be a challenge to stay away from it. But I don't feel like instantly undoing all of the good things I've done for my body this week so I'll most likely try to stick to fruits and vegatables today and possibly the whole weekend. Or I could just freak out and get cheese fries. What's the written translation of Homer Simpson salivating? That's me. Right now. This very moment. As you're reading this. Now!

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