Wednesday, July 23, 2008


WARNING: This is a pointless, mildly entertaining story that I will totally forigve you for skipping over if you choose to do so.

In honor of my wonderful venture of self-starvation, it seems like a good time to blog about pizza. Similar to Pizza Hut's Dark Knight themed pizza, Domino's has been heavily pushing "The Gotham City Pizza" which is "shrouded in darkness" and "cloaked in pepperoni" according the their website which I refuse to link to. The pizza is advertised as having 50% more pepperoni than a regular pizza and, in a glorious moment of sloth and gluttony, my friend I decided to order one with buffalo wings on the side. Much to our dismay, Domino's didn't have pepperoni. Let me say that again in case you missed it. Domino's Pizza, the largest pizza chain in the country and possibly the world, did not have pepperoni. How could this happen? I don't even know what the equivalent to this is. I'd even forgive Starbucks for running out of milk.

After unsuccessfully trying to call the other Domino's in the area (Domino's automatically sends you to the nearest location in order to save you the inconvenience of using your brain for ten freaking seconds!) we finally gave up and ordered Papa John's in hopes that we could get a pizza with double pepperoni and still get wings. At this point it should be noted that the last time I got Papa John's I got food poisoning and missed work. And in the wonderful world of hourly rates that I exist in missing work equals losing money. Anywho, an hour later our pizza arrives, I went outside to pick it up, I buzzed my friend to come get me, the door closed behind him (which it rarely if ever does on its own) and we were locked out. Wonderful. Sure enough, after ordering a pizza with double pepperoni on the whole pizza and mushrooms one half, we got a half pepperoni, half mushroom pizza that could never be mistaken for having double pepperoni. This disappointment went nicely with the bland, mild wings. Two hours and about 12-15 cigarettes later, my very disgruntled roommate arrived to let us in. Pepperoni ruined my day. I'm never ordering from pizza chains again. Never ever ever. I'm so hungry right now. I wonder where the nearest Pizza Hut is.

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