Monday, October 6, 2008

Shocking revelations

I found myself with the strangest desire to watch Baseketball the other night. Much to dismay, I realized two things after watching it:
1) Baseketball isn't that funny
2) A lot my sense of humor seems to have been influenced by Baseketball

Does this mean I'm not as funny as I thought? I consider myself a fairly modest person, even to the point of having low self esteem, but I've always seen myself as a pretty funny person. My friends laugh at my jokes. I laugh at the jokes I make to myself. I occasionally entertain whole social groups with my adorable, if not slightly awkward, rants. But is my approach to humor fundamentally flawed? And are Trey Parker and the other guy Matt Stone really to blame? Perhaps the problem is less obvious than Baseketball. Perhaps I watched one too many episodes of Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn or Home Improvement while growing up. Oh, crap. I used to watch Home Improvement. Excuse me, I have to go retroactively punish myself now.

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